During the summer of 2010, as part of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association’s music program, a youth choir was formed, directed by Cherie’ Morton. While searching for music we could explore, we rediscovered the joy and wisdom of well-known hymns.
The following SA and SAB arrangements were eventually written as part of the project and are shared here with those who may like to learn them.
The hymns we selected are in the public domain, freely available to all. These arrangements have been placed in the public domain as well, and may be freely copied and performed.
The live recordings (below) are audio tracks taken from video cameras, and the recordings and performances are not always perfect. But they do give an idea of how the songs go, and we hope they convey some of the blessing we received while singing. If you start one of the players and then click on the pdf, you can watch the score while the song plays.
(Please note: the piano part is not written. The accompanist plays from the chord symbols which are written above the vocal lines in the score.)
Hymn Arrangements for Youth Choirs (SA and SAB)
Copyright 2012-2013 Stephen Mugglin
Hymn Arrangements
Download Score
Hymn Title
Amazing Grace (SA)
It Is Well (SA)
Old Rugged Cross (SA)
In the Garden (SA)
Story and Song (SAB)
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (SAB)
All Creatures of Our God
and King (SAB)
I Surrender All (SA)
Download mp3
We hope you enjoy learning and singing these hymns of the faith.
May God’s blessing rest over His word and His work.
Blessing from Above
...in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Poor Wayfaring Stranger (SA)
Nothing but the Blood (SA)
Come Thou Fount of Every
Blessing (SAB)
No Other Rock, No Other Name (SA)